Thursday, September 17, 2009

No naps and no shower make Mommy...something something

Sooo, Azilyn is driving me super CRAZY!!!
I don't really know what's going on, but I think she's trying to bump the AM nap. Noooo!!! I most certainly do not approve.
I usually put her in her crib after reading a few stories and cuddling for a few minutes. She will often lay in my arms or on my shoulder, rub her eyes and begin to dose. Then I put her down and she goes to sleep.
The past week she's been restless in my arms, doesn't want me to put her in the crib, cries like I broke her little heart, truly devastated. I'm telling ya, it's all an act!
The past two days, she played in her crib for an hour and a half! No nap. Grrr!
Then, ornery.
Nap number two - 45 minutes, tops (she usually does 1 1/2 - 2 hrs).
Then, you guessed it, more ornery.
AHHH! I really need those little breaks. Please tell me this is just a phase. Probably those darn molars.
Darn molars!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blueberries, a blessing and a curse

Very high antioxidant
Memory aid
Vision aid
Helps with urinary tract health
Fun to eat
Notorious for STAINS!

Azilyn got blueberries on one of her cutest outfits. And, this is a big deal, because most of her clothes are just boring onesies. Anyway, I tried many "laundry secrets" suggested by everyone I know. Oxiclean, Spray n Wash, Biz, peroxide, baking soda and vinegar, various combinations, along with many I knew of, Tide stain release, fels-naptha soap, plain water, dish soap, hand soap, and lots of elbow grease.
Well, I am here to report... NOTHING works! Nothing. I think I just suck at laundry. Bleach works, but not so well on colored clothes. The thing that worked the best was soaking it in cold water and scrubbing it with hand soap.
But, now that I have the whole laundry isle, I can keep on trying until I find the best remedy on those blasted stains.
Another one I can't figure out, tomato products.

Yeah for life!

Well, Danny started school. Yeah! He's really excited for this semester. A couple of great miracles came about this semester. Well, first, it's a miracle he passed his marketing class over the summer. He really hated that class. It looked like it might be another hard semester this Fall when he was signed up for another marketing class he had to take. Luckily, the one he took over the summer counted for the one he was signed up for this semester. Halleluia! (And thank you Hilary) Double bonus!! The second miracle was that we got some unexpected grants! It wasn't a lot, but free money is always welcome. Hooray for not having to take out loans!

Another exciting thing this semester is that Danny is planning on competing in the National Home Builders Association competition in Las Vegas this February! He signed up to be in a group at school this past week. That's a start! I'm so proud of him. This is an awesome opportunity because there is great potential for recruiters to look at him and his work if his group does well! Yeah for opportunity! His group will have to put together a project developing a new subdivision, or something. Sounds exciting!
Now is also the time he will start looking for an internship for next summer, so if anyone knows of anything construction related, please let us know. Yeah for a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm beginning to see it.

And, Danny started work last week. Yeah for work! I think he is glad to be at it again. He is working for his old boss, doing pest control. It's a pretty good job for now. It's nice that he's working again, doing something fairly consistent and it pays well. Although winter is the down time in that industry; he also plans to snowplow again this winter. I hate having to drive in snow and being cold and everything, but let's all pray for a good season this year. Don't be selfish this year Ogden, please send some our way.

Well, I am hopeful to find something for work too. Although I would really rather stay home, it would be great to better position ourselves for the future. Debt sucks, ya know!

Azilyn has been especially onerey this week. I don't know what the deal is. She's sleeping poorly, probably cuz she's eating poorly. I just dont know what to do! It's very stressful. Here is a picture of her first ponytail! Yeah for growing hair! Maybe she won't be called a boy now, when she wears this yellow shirt with a bow and puffy sleeves! I just don't get it.