Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Family reunion

This past weekend was the Robertson family reunion (my mom's side). My grandpa rented a couple of cabins up at Brianhead. It was sooo much fun! Danny didn't come because he was attempting to get caught up on the online classes he's taking this summer. Crazy! I think he made progress while we were gone.

Anyway, it was so great to see everyone and spend a fun-filled weekend with them. My cousin, Rachel, has a son who is just a month older than Azilyn, so it was really fun to see him (McKay) and to see he and Azilyn play together. Well, I guess there wasn't much of them playing together. You see, even though McKay is older, he is a chicken and hasn't started walking by himself, though I think he is fully capable. Rachel said he takes steps alone until he realizes what he's done and sits right down. So we'd sit them down to play and McKay would zoom away crawling or Azilyn would just jump up and walk away. It was fun none the less.

Everyone was surprised to see that Azilyn is walking, and talking. I didn't realize how many things she says until I started to tell my aunt all her words. She says Mama and Papa (more of papa), nanana, apple, cracker, thank you. Those are the words she says most clearly. She signs more and please. She also says truck, duck, ball (more like ba), up, shoes, bath (also ba). I know there are more, but I can't think. She also tries to repeat anything you say. While we were at the reunion, she learned, "don't touch that." It's pretty clear too! She surprises me every day.

Anyway, the highlights of our reunion include, yummy food, board/card games, billiards, hiking, watermelon seed spitting, karaoke, family skits - very funny!, ancestral spotlights, and an awesome testimony meeting! I love my family!! Here's a picture of most of us. I think my mom, Azilyn and McKay are missing.

Oh, my grandma made these great shirts with our family tree on the front. Hence, all wearing yellow t-shirts!

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