Thursday, September 17, 2009

No naps and no shower make Mommy...something something

Sooo, Azilyn is driving me super CRAZY!!!
I don't really know what's going on, but I think she's trying to bump the AM nap. Noooo!!! I most certainly do not approve.
I usually put her in her crib after reading a few stories and cuddling for a few minutes. She will often lay in my arms or on my shoulder, rub her eyes and begin to dose. Then I put her down and she goes to sleep.
The past week she's been restless in my arms, doesn't want me to put her in the crib, cries like I broke her little heart, truly devastated. I'm telling ya, it's all an act!
The past two days, she played in her crib for an hour and a half! No nap. Grrr!
Then, ornery.
Nap number two - 45 minutes, tops (she usually does 1 1/2 - 2 hrs).
Then, you guessed it, more ornery.
AHHH! I really need those little breaks. Please tell me this is just a phase. Probably those darn molars.
Darn molars!!!

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