Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby update

Okay, so we finally got the lab results back and we can all breath a little easier now. I have previously had this parvovirus and thus have passed my immunity onto the baby. Yea! That's what we were hoping for!

I also had a doctors appointment today. I mentioned to doc that the baby has had decreased movement the past week or so, which I was trying not to make a big deal of because I figured it was just my stress and paranoia playing tricks on me, since every time I would officially take count, he was still within normal range (with the exception of one or two times). Anyway, I should have just gone in when I even questioned it. So, the doc had me go to the hospital to have the baby monitored this morning, and it turns out, the baby's great, but more eval next week just for comparison. And, of course the baby with moving a ton today. The thing that you're concerned about never happens when you're actually at the doc's, right!? Ridiculous.

Needless to say, all that made for a unexpectedly long morning! And reminded me that I need to pack my bags and actually get more ready for the big day.

Anyway, thank you for all your fasting and prayers! They have been noticed and very much appreciated.

Oh, and doc said I'm 1 cm dilated and the baby is head down, pretty low, so any contractions will be moving things along! Yeah. Sounds exactly like with Azilyn. We're getting excited!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Anxiously awaiting

Well, no news is good news, right?? This is me trying to be positive. The fact is, my labs haven't come back yet, and it's nearly maddening! The lab told me it would take 3 days. My doctor told me it would take a week. I'm thinking, Monday to Friday, right? NOPE. Doc meant 1 full week. Monday to Monday, if not longer! Seriously, does it really take that long to look at a blood sample? Anyway, I've mostly kept busy to keep my mind off of it, but of course, it's always in thought.

Last Saturday and Sunday were horrible (especially Sunday) because the baby decided he was going to take a few days off. Saturday his movements were pretty weak and less often. Then the first half of the day on Sunday his movements were few and far between and still weaker than normal. I was worried, but tried to stay clam and not be stressed, but I think I was anyway, which probably made it worse, mentally for me and physically for the baby. Then the later part of Sunday he was moving more normally and he went crazy around 9pm, his regular super active time. So my mind was reassured that he was okay, for the time being.

Speaking of hard Sundays, every Sunday is kind of a nightmare around our house. Today has been especially hair-pulling. You see, we go to the married student ward and there are 9 wards in our twin-chapel building. Our ward starts at 12:10pm - lunchtime, and nap time is at 1pm. So, it makes for a really long day when her lunch is thrown off and she misses her nap. By the time we get out, it's time for her to eat again, but she's so dang tired, she usually falls asleep on the way home or shortly thereafter. Then she doesn't sleep well cuz she's hungry. Thus, she wakes up ornery and basically stays that way until she finally goes to sleep at bedtime. Ahhhh! And to make it worse, today she woke up early and on the wrong side of the bed. It's been an awesome Mother's Day! (Do you sense the sarcasm!???)
[Eyes closed. Inhale. Blow away the frustration.]

On the upside, Azilyn loves her baby brother and is going to be an great big sister! She is always wanting to give baby brother hugs and often recounts the day at the OB when she "heard the baby's heartbeat in Mommy's tummy. Sounds like a siren," she says. Then she wants to hold the baby. And, she will tell you baby brother's name if you ask her. It's so cute!

This past Saturday I had a baby shower and one of the girls that came has a two month old who is still very tiny and cute! Anyway, she walked in and Azilyn got all excited for the "baay-beee!" She immediately went to comfort him since he was being a little fussy and she stroked his head very gently. Then she laid her head on his legs and gave him a hug. It was adorable, and somewhat comforting that she was so good with him. I think she's more prepared for her baby brother to come than I am.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby scare

Okay, so, the other day, Azilyn randomly throws up her dinner. So I throw her in the tub and when she gets out, her legs and bum are covered with this weird, hive-like, rash. Some looked blistery. So, I'm thinking, maybe she had an allergic reaction to something? So we call the doctor and they say, just keep an eye on it, give her some Benedryl and call if it gets worse. So, I gave her some Benedryl and sent her to bed, checking up on her often to assess the progress of the rash, breathing, etc. The rash was gone within an hour or so.
The next day, she woke up from her nap and her face had a similar rash, and her cheeks were bright red and puffy, obvious swelling. This really worried me, so we got right into the doctor. He said it could be an allergy. Try Benedryl again. If it helps - allergy. If not - it may be fifths disease, which is just a viral infection. The issue would be that if it is fifths, it could affect the baby, even cause a miscarriage/stillbirth. Great! And, the doc said his wife lost a baby from this and she was 8 months along! I was shocked, and a little nervous. He said it's something they can catch with an ultrasound and to call my OB if we rule out the allergy.
So, I go home and look up fifths and find out that the "lace-like" rash can take on a blister-like appearance and it can come and go, with heat, sunlight, and stress being triggers. Well, she gets the rash again after a hot bath and this time I don't do the Benedryl and the rash dissipates as her body cools down from the bath and she chills out to get ready for bed.
So, along with some other symptoms, I'm thinking, okay, not an allergy. It must be fifths. So, I call my OB and he says, you'll have to wait 'til Monday for blood work. And I'm thinking, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?? This is a threat to my unborn child and you're telling me to sit on it!? Not to mention it may take a week to get lab results back. So, I ask him about it and he says the baby wouldn't show signs of infection within the next week. I'm still kinda freaking out, but trying to stay calm, cuz really, we dont know for sure if the baby's been affected and I can't do anything about it anyway, right? Well, what about the ultrasound? Doc says baby probably wont show signs yet. I'm doubting, remembering reading that there's a long incubation time ( up to a month) between having the virus and presenting the classic rashy symptoms. So, how do you know the baby wouldn't present symptoms?? It seemed illogical to me, but I wearily took his word and hung up the phone.
In the mean time, Danny is super worried and sends out a dire sounding text message to family and friends, requesting their faith and prayers. Not that I'm complaining, but a little warning would have been nice as worried calls and return texts begin to pour in! It was just slightly unexpected.
So to sum up a long story, we're worried. The unknown is always the most scary thing, though we hope and have faith that all will be well with the baby. As I have read more about this human parvovirus, I have become more confident that this is all just a scare and nothing more. There is a 50% chance I have had previous exposure to it, and thus am immune, passing that immunity onto the baby as well. There's another 33% chance the baby wont even be affected, even if I'm not immune. It looks better and better because I am in the later half of pregnancy. And, there seems to be lesser problems, such as fetal anemia, that would come on before the baby died anyway. All in all, I think it narrows it down to the 5% range that we would loose the baby. And while there are all those odds in our favor, the unknown is still the most prominent thing that gnaws at the back of my conscience and makes me very tired.
So, I will keep everyone updated. I am very thankful to all of your fasting and prayers in our behalf. I have felt lightened and uplifted as the day has gone on, and I know it is because of all of your faith. The Lord is watching over us and I know we are very blessed. We love you all!