Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby update

Okay, so we finally got the lab results back and we can all breath a little easier now. I have previously had this parvovirus and thus have passed my immunity onto the baby. Yea! That's what we were hoping for!

I also had a doctors appointment today. I mentioned to doc that the baby has had decreased movement the past week or so, which I was trying not to make a big deal of because I figured it was just my stress and paranoia playing tricks on me, since every time I would officially take count, he was still within normal range (with the exception of one or two times). Anyway, I should have just gone in when I even questioned it. So, the doc had me go to the hospital to have the baby monitored this morning, and it turns out, the baby's great, but more eval next week just for comparison. And, of course the baby with moving a ton today. The thing that you're concerned about never happens when you're actually at the doc's, right!? Ridiculous.

Needless to say, all that made for a unexpectedly long morning! And reminded me that I need to pack my bags and actually get more ready for the big day.

Anyway, thank you for all your fasting and prayers! They have been noticed and very much appreciated.

Oh, and doc said I'm 1 cm dilated and the baby is head down, pretty low, so any contractions will be moving things along! Yeah. Sounds exactly like with Azilyn. We're getting excited!


Becky R. said...

YEEEEEEEEESSS! So glad that all is well. Excited for you!

Becky R. said...

By the way, love ya tons!

Hilary said...

I'm glad everything turned out good. Hopefully you'll continue to have smooth sailing through to the end! Love you!