Sunday, August 15, 2010

Emergency Room

I failed to mention in my last post that Azilyn had her first visit to the ER last week.
After having to call the ambulance for a soccer player in their first game on Tuesday of last week, I went to bed Thursday thinking, 'tomorrow is Friday the 13th; am I feeling superstitious? I wonder if anything crazy will happen tomorrow?"
Well, I had just gotten through the morning rush before FB practice on Friday. I was just thinking of taking a deep breath and sitting down for the first time all morning, when I get a call from home.
All I can hear is Azilyn screaming in the background and Danny trying to get a word in edgewise. All I got from Danny was, "".
Me, "What?"
Danny, "...need...come home."
Me, "What? Why?"
- Azilyn still screaming -
Danny, "We n...itch..."
Me, "What?"
Danny, "Azilyn...stiches."
Me, "WHAT!? Well, take her to the hospital!"

Well, to avoid more annoying dialog, I'll make a short phone call shorter. I had the car. We only have one. I told him to borrow the neighbor's car. I left in a hurry and headed home. Called Danny on the way to hear...nothing in the back ground. "Uh, where's Azilyn?" Already in the neighbor's car. So, apparently, Azilyn tripped and hit her face on the nightstand. She split her "lip, about and inch long," Danny said. I'm thinking her bottom lip is in two pieces, hanging off her face, right? So, who's with Azilyn, holding her face on? Nobody. I guess it wasn't bleeding so much. Weird for a head wound not to bleed much.

Well, we finally both got to the hospital, after trying the insta-care we'd never been to and found that it indeed is an after hours, well, and daytime hours, but not morning hours. Anyway, the first look I got of Azilyn was at the hospital, and I was a little embarrassed to be there. On the phone Danny said, "I can see her teeth right through her lip." So I thought it was really bad. Well, it was pretty well closed up when we got to the ER. I don't doubt that it looked bad when it first happened. I guess kids just have fast healing. Anyway, the ER doc did exactly what I would have done if I would have just gone straight home. Superglue (medical grade, of course). Good thing we have insurance! Here's a pic at the ER.

This is before it was cleaned up very well, so there is some residual blood residue.
Poor Azilyn just kept saying, "I wanna go home." Maybe she was embarrassed too? However, she did make friends with a self acclaimed 'great-grandma' while at the ER. Azilyn was sick of sitting around waiting for the ER doc, so she jumped off the bed, walked out of our little curtained room, went right up to this lady, hugged her and said, "hi!" I'm a little worried about how friendly Azilyn has become with strangers lately.

Here I am trying to comfort her when doc came to check it out. Oh, she got her tooth somehow too, but it was okay, just a little laceration on her gums above it.

Oh, while at the ER another toddler came in with a hugely swollen black eye and gouged cheek (BEWARE, GRAPHIC DETAILS TO FOLLOW, and let this be a lesson to those with small children)...

...Come to find out, the poor kid fell on a dishwasher prong. It went through his cheek into his eye! Hope it doesn't effect his vision.

1 comment:

Christy said...

SAD!!!! I hope she is ok. And good luck with your job. I am not going back to work til the end of Sept. so let me know if you need any help!