He came after a short labor of 6 hours, but mom couldn't hack it this time. After just three hours of labor, progressing only 1cm, and feeling like I was already in transition (the hardest part of labor), I called for Dr. Jones (the anesthesiologist). I felt bad for getting an epidural, but I knew my pain tolerance and it was maxed. Besides, I think Danny was doing as much work as I was as he applied counter pressure with his entire body weight against my knees, with every contraction, I was sure he wouldn't last either, and then where would we be!?
So, it was great having the pain gone, but I can't say I loved the epidural. Tingly entire lower half like after a dental procedure, no urge to push, not even knowing if I am pushing, legs in stirrups just waiting for baby to come. It was really weird. It was like that awkward silence thing, but everyone is staring at you, and did I mention the stirrups? After having fully experienced child birth, I think I'd rather work for it. There was much more satisfaction in a non-medicated birth. I think I just need to be a little more prepared next time.
Labor was definitely worse this time around, but I think I could have lasted another 3 hours without the epi if it hadn't caught me so off guard in the first place. I was totally unprepared this time and thus, unable to focus adequately on the task at hand. Who knows, maybe I still would have chosen the path I did. After all, labor sucks! The important part is, however, that Tolson made it to our family! He is happy, healthy, and very loved. We are so glad he's here.
Azilyn loves her baby brother! And has acted surprisingly well, thus far. She is very loving, gentle, and not jealous. She has been rather independent and only occasionally wants to hug or hold baby brother. And she hasn't yet tried to "help" without supervision. Overall, she has had adequate attention though, so, we'll see how she does when mom is the only one home and can't cut herself in two!
Tolson and I are adjusting and recovering well. He is still trying to figure out the nursing thing and that is a killer for me, but a little blood, sweat and tears never hurt anyone, right!?
He is improving quickly, though at wee hours of the morn with sore boobs and a frustrated kid, it sure makes you think otherwise. But overall, he is a very sweet boy, mild tempered, only fusses when there's a reason - hungry, wet, gassy, etc. He loves to suck (Azilyn never took a binky) and is a snuggler and we are glad to have him in our family!
Yeah! Congrats on your new little man. He is so cute! We can't wait to see you guys and meet him soon. Isn't it fun how close in age both of our kids are?
Good luck with these first weeks. They go by really fast, especially with 2 to care for. Hang in there! Love ya!
Yay! We will come visit you guys soon...can't wait to meet him. Let us know how we can help!
Congrats! He is such a cute little guy!!
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