Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week Two

It doesn’t seem like there’s much of anything worth reporting until BAM!!! tons of little, or big things happen, and by the time I get around to writing them down, well, I forget. Darn bad memory and procrastination.

This week I have just been busy taking care of Azilyn, running errands, doing dishes, laundry, etc. Pretty boring. We did move Azilyn out of our “room” (loft area) down into the other “room” (curtain drawn space) because everytime she would wake up, she wouldn’t go back to sleep cuz she could see us! What a drag. We wanted to avoid stumbling down the steep staircase in the middle of the night. Anyway, we moved her. Now she sleeps better, and so do we.

It has been harder to get Azilyn to take good naps since we’ve been here. She wakes up at 7:00 (6am Utah time, grrr). Poor Danny. At home, for nap time, I could just rock her for a few minutes, put her in bed and she’d go to sleep on her own, generally with minimal crying. Now she will not go down without a fuss, and lots, and lots of coaxing, cradling, suckling, swaying, bouncing, stroking, etc. It’s quite frustrating. Mostly because I know she just needs a good sleep so she’s not so cranky! I think her pack’n’play crib may be partly to blame. It really can’t be comfortable sleeping on cardboard! My search for a Portacrib mattress has been futile.

Well, today finishes up Danny’s second week of selling. In some ways it seems like we’ve been here longer. The first week Danny was super miserable knocking doors. Rejected and dejected. He really didn’t show it or tell me though, so I thought he was doing okay. I have just been really supportive. I have never felt disappointed in him, only so proud because I know he is working soo hard. He told me that this week was much better. He has been driving to his selling area with a super awesome salesman who’s really helped him have a positive outlook.

Friday began the local RiverFest on the Arkansas river (pronounced R – Kansas) just a few blocks from us. It is a festival with lots of fun activities, carnival rides, river rides, competitions, etc. We watched the opening “Sundown Parade” last night and Azilyn LOVED it! She was waving at everyone, and she didn’t even mind all the loud noises. She just didn’t like it when I tried to cover her ears for some of them. We left early so Azilyn could go to bed and it proved a difficult task trying to navigate our beast of a stroller through crowds of parade onlookers. I don’t think they were very happy with us.

More fun RiverFest adventures to come.

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